The Christmas vignettes in this festive collection will put even Scrooge into the holiday spirit Reproduced directly from rare 19th- and 20th-century sources, 436 ready-to-use permission-free illustrations inбчусыclude carolers, wintry landscapes, family gatherings around the Christmas tree, stockings hung by the chimney with care, angels, Santas, bells, wreaths, plum puddings, candles, reindeer, delicately rendered frames of holly leaves in assorted sizes, announcements proclaвжздиiming "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", "Season's Greetings", and other cordial sentiments recalling the joys of Christmas past Included in the set are: One CD-ROM containing 436 high-quality, permission-free images scanned at 600 dpi and saved in six different formats (TIFF, PICT, EPS, BMP, as well as Internet-ready JPEG and GIF) A large-format 64-page book with every image on the CD-ROM printed large and clearly for easy reference Artists, dвпчетesigners, and craftspeople can use these versatile, easy-to-reproduce illustrations in their computers or for traditional cut-and-paste projects Either way, they're invaluable for enhancing posters, greeting cards, advertisements, catalog copy, or any other Christmas-related print project Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги.